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Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases
  • Influenza
  • Cryptosporidiosis
  • Vector-Borne Diseases 
  • Legionnaires Disease
  • Human Metapneumovirus
  • Valley Fever
  • Antibiotic-Resistant Diseases

Infectious Diseases are caused by micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Most of the organisms will reside in and on our bodies. Those are usually harmless and helpful. In certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease and some other infectious diseases can be spread from person to person. Examples like SARS, Coronaviruses, Influenza, Diphtheria, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis A and B. 

Influenza: Influenza is commonly known as flu or a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system like nose, throat, and lungs. But it is not as same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting. 

Cryptosporidiosis: Cryptosporidiosis is a diarrhea causing infection. Sometimes it is also called as Crypto. Usually, it is occurred or caused by a parasite that is found in stool. This infection may occur by taking food or water that is contaminated with stool.                

Vector-Borne Diseases: It gets transmitted from humans and other animals by blood-feeding anthropoids through mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Examples include Dengue, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, and malaria. 

Legionnaires’ Disease: It is a type of pneumonia that is caused by legionella bacteria and it doesn't spread from person to person.         

Human Metapneumovirus: It is an upper respiratory tract virus that includes the nose, mouth, and throat. It usually causes a basic infection, like cold and it mostly occurs during the winter i.e., with the flu season.  

Valley Fever: It is also known as coccidioidomycosis. It is a type of infection caused by the fungus “Coccidioides”. The fungus usually lives in the soil mostly in the parts of Mexico, the United States, south-western and central and South America.          

Antibiotic-Resistant Diseases: This condition occurs when the microbes develop the ability to vanquish the drugs that are designed to kill them. Infections that are caused by antibiotic-resistant germs are difficult to treat.


Committee Members
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Yongqing Li

Yongqing Li

University of Michigan Medical School, United States
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Francis J Castellino

Francis J Castellino

University of Notre Dame, United States
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Ranjan Ramasamy

Ranjan Ramasamy

IDFISH Technology, United States
WCID 2024 Speakers
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Tom Koch

Tom Koch

University of British Columbia, Canada
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Thomas J Webster

Thomas J Webster

Hebei University of Technology and Interstellar Therapeutics, China
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Lee Susanne

Lee Susanne

Leegionella Ltd, United Kingdom
Speaker at World Congress on Infectious Disease 2024 - Christof Peter Ziaja

Christof Peter Ziaja

UKE Neuroradiology and Institut of Stress and Fatigue Prof Stark, Germany

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