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WCID 2024

Integrated ASTPR model for control of infectious diseases in Pakistan: Worth following for the developing world

Abdul Rauf Janjua, Speaker at Infectious Diseases Conferences
University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Title : Integrated ASTPR model for control of infectious diseases in Pakistan: Worth following for the developing world


Academia in Pakistan has been under a criticism for being unable to provide the guiding role in the prosperity of the nation. There have been a number of issues with the academia in Pakistan. The issues with academia encompass isolated and horizontal raw process reporting research that has resulted in an approach of impact factor rather than impact on the society. In order to harmonize the academia with the national needs and aspirations we propose a comprehensive integrated model of research in Pakistan. Our ASTPR model comprises of five prongs. Awareness raising of the target disease among all stakeholders followed by advocacy among policy makers is the first prong of our model.

Screening of the vulnerables is the second prong of the model. Treatment and relief of sufferers is the third prong while prevention implementation is the fourth prong of the model. Research on all of the dynamics of the disease is the fifth prong of our model. Implementation of this integrated model has resulted in a substantial achievement in control of infectious diseases particularly hepatitis B and C in Pakistan. This comprehensive model can easily be applied and customized on almost every field of life sciences research in Pakistan.


Abdul Rauf Janjua from University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.


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