I'm currently a guest scientist at the University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf in neuroradiology, where I'm researching the interaction of neuromuscular fatigue and processing using in Fractional anisotropy (FA) imaging techniques. Additionally, I am affiliated with the Prof. Stark's institute in Hamburg where I treat roughly 30 patients a week with differing clinical/somatic profiles. Examples are elderly who receive training to prevent falls, interventions to aid with neurodegenerative illnesses (such as Parkinson, MS) and athletes suffering from Overtraining Syndrome.
My work consists of both diagnostics and treatments. Examples are the recording of measurement parameters (EEG measurements, gait analysis, EMG measurements, ECG and HRV measurements) as well as the therapeutic design and creation of an individual movement therapy. Areas of expertise are individual trainability and regulation abilities (such as the cool down phase).
I have an international publication record, teaching experience, and experience with supervision. I have taught at the department of Health Sciences of the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and the department of Movement Sciences of the University of Hamburg. Additionally, I have supervised students at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg in the completion of their bachelor theses and accompanied their oral final exams.
Title : Structural deformations in the superior tubular of the hypothalamus and their impact of autoimmune antibody production: A study of long Covid patients