Title : Universal approach to achieve surgical Care During Covid-19 Pandemic
The Ultimate goals of healthcare professionals in surgical care is to achieve safety and prevent Surgical Site Infection (SSI).
Many factors can contribute to the risk of SSIs . It requires specific measures to cut the risk such as patient preparation before, during, and after surgery, appropriate hand hygiene, sterility of the instruments, etc…
Clinical evidence demonstrated that operating room (OR) activities related to asepsis and aseptic practices have the highest direct impact on the surgical team, in helping to reduce the patient's risk to surgical site infection and Covid-19 transmission .
Having policies and procedures in OR does not mean compliance is guaranteed. The efficacy of these policies depends on the knowledge skills of the team and how well the surgical team adheres to them. Besides, team communication and collaboration are very critical to achieve excellence in ambulatory surgical care.
Audience Take Away:
- Surgical site infection Overview
- Source of Contamination & Complications
- Surgical pathway to achieve safety
- Standard of care to prevent SSI During Covid -19